Iconic Packaging: Burger King Whopper

Iconic Packaging: Burger King Whopper

Across our iconic packaging series, we’ve covered not only a brand’s packaging, but the brand itself. Sometimes it’s one piece of their packaging that stands out and makes the world take notice, other times it’s the brand itself that elevates everything it does....
Iconic Packaging: Tide Detergent

Iconic Packaging: Tide Detergent

Good ideas and smart design choices go the distance. They endure and keep the best parts of themselves, even through multiple design refreshes and refinements. Those kinds of creations become influential, even legendary, and eventually (we think) iconic. Tide...
Iconic Packaging: Barbie

Iconic Packaging: Barbie

When we talk about iconic packaging, we most often mean the box or container a product comes in. But the way the product itself is handled, bundled and presented, is arguably packaging as well. Barbie, a brand beloved the world over, has always had competent...
Iconic Packaging: Jameson Whiskey

Iconic Packaging: Jameson Whiskey

Done well, packaging can be eye-catching and all-consuming. It’s so easy to get lost and start aimlessly wandering the aisles, looking at beautiful and unique packaging design. It’s no different when it comes to the concepting, bottling and packaging of alcohol. Some...