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Packing List
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"Clear Face" Envelopes, Clear, 6 x 9", Side Loading D-6869 Side Loading 6 x 9" CS

Packing list envelopes are necessary for many different shipments. Whether you’re sending out a big order and want to make sure that everything is accounted for, shipping n international shipment and you need to have the right paperwork clearly visible, or if you want to easily attach any other documents to a package of any shape or size, we’ve got you covered. Our products are easy to use, durable, and reliable. They stick to your boxes and mailers with ease and won’t fall off during even the roughest shipment.

At the Packaging Company, we take incredible pride at offering high-quality products at affordable prices. We understand the importance of getting value for your money. Our years of experience as working with a trusted partner have taught us that offering a wide variety of products is key. We want to help your business succeed in whatever way we can, so we offer an extensive variety of shipping products, from boxes and tape to packing list envelopes, labels and more. Whatever your needs may be, we can help. We strive to offer whatever envelopes you need, including top-loading and side-loading envelopes, resealable envelopes, environmentally-friendly options, and several options dedicated to specific circumstances (such as “Invoice Enclosed”, “Important Documents Enclosed”, “Customs Papers Enclosed” and much more.)

Trust the Packaging Company to deliver the products you need to help your business run smoothly. We know that you don’t have the time to stress about the packing envelopes that you stick to your boxes. That’s our job! We make sure you have the right tools you need and that we get them to you quickly and at the right price. If you have any questions about any of our shipping products, or if you’re looking for advice on what would best suit your needs, we’d love to speak with you. We pride ourselves on offering excellent customer service.